The Christmas Carol turkey, a Victorian tradition

Although everything related to Christmas may seem to us to have an ancient tradition behind it, in England these dates were hardly celebrated around...

Casa de Campo Market, the place to eat Madrid

The first Saturday of each month is market day at the Casa de Campo in Madrid. The Agrarian Chamber of the Community of Madrid...

The different kitchens in Game of Thrones

The world created by Martin take place in a technological age resembling medieval times, with an economy based on agriculture and livestock, with food...

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How to make lamb in tomato sauce

We start by preparing 500 g of lamb. If it is not chopped, we cut it into bite-size pieces. Next, season the meat to...

How to make almogrote almogrote

prescription information Preparation time: 10 minutes Total time: 10 minutes Servings: 4 Category: starter Type of cuisine: Spanish Calories per serving (kcal): 421 Almogrote Almogrote ingredients for 4 people 200 g cured...

How to make gorgonzola sauce

With this delicious Italian cheese made with cow's milk we can make many recipes. In this case, with only 3 more ingredients, we will...

How to make homemade pomace cream

Put in a saucepan 200 ml of whipping cream, 70 ml of milk, 30 g of sugar and 5 ml of vanilla essence. Mix...

How to microwave zucchini

The first thing we have to do is wash 1 zucchini very well because we are going to cook it with the skin. We...

How to make colcannon

The first thing we are going to do to prepare the colcannon is to cook 350 g of potatoes. We are going to cook...

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Zucchini and tuna lasagna

Zucchini lasagna is a perfect recipe to enjoy a very easy and quick lasagna without meat or carbohydrates, since we will use the zucchini...

Clams in green sauce

This seafood dish is a very tasty and easy starter to make, perfect for a day or a special occasion.Christmas recipesRecipes with clamsBasque cuisine...

Homemade fluffy yogurt cake

Yogurt cake crumb prescription information Preparation time: 15 minutes Cooking time: 50 minutes Total time: 1 hour and 5 minutes (plus cooling time) Servings: 8 Category: confectionery Type of cuisine: Spanish Calories...

Russian salad

prescription information Preparation time: 10 minutes Cooking time: 45 minutes Total time: 55 minutes (plus cool down time) Servings: 6 Category: starter Type of cuisine: Spanish Calories per serving (kcal): 594 Russian...

Carrot cake or Carrot cake

Preparation time: 40 minutes Cooking time: 30 minutes Total time: 1 hour and 10 minutes (plus rest times) Servings: 12 Category: confectionery Type of cuisine: American Calories per serving (kcal):...

homemade pancakes

prescription information Preparation time: 10 minutes Cooking time: 30 minutes Total time: 40 minutes (plus 30 minutes of dough rest) Servings: 6, 12 units Category: main course Type of cuisine:...

Stewed lentils with vegetables

prescription information Preparation time: 20 minutes Cooking time: 40 minutes Total time: 1 hour Servings: 4 Category: main course Type of cuisine: Spanish Calories: 260 kcal per serving Ingredients of the lentils...

stewed green beans

prescription information Preparation time: 10 minutes Cooking time: 30 minutes Total time: 40 minutes Servings: 2 Category: starter Type of cuisine: Spanish Calories per serving (kcal): 336 Ingredients for stewed green beans...

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Uses in the kitchen of sesame

With a mild, sweet nutty flavor and crunchy texture, sesame seeds can complement and enhance a wide variety of preparations. In our country they...

Properties and benefits of cumin

If cumin is known for something, in addition to its powerful flavor, it is for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Incorporating it into our...

Properties of caraway seeds

Caraway stands out for having 10% percent essential oils such as carvone and limonene, and 16% percent essential fatty acids, in addition to its...

Cooking uses of pollock

In Spain and Portugal, we can find it fresh in the fish market or frozen and packaged ready for consumption, while in the Nordic...

Properties and benefits of chia

Who more and who less, we have all heard that chia is one of the healthiest seeds that exist. But do we really know...